Code of Conduct

Admission binds a student to observe rules and regulations of the College as issued by the authorities from time to time.

Students must observe discipline in the Classroom, in the College Office, in the Library and Reading Room, in the Playground and the College campus in general as well as in all spheres of College life. Students must maintain proper academic atmosphere as well as necessary decorum and decency in the College. They are expected to behave with modesty and dignity and treat the members of the staff both teaching and non-teaching as well as their fellow students with courtesy inside and outside the College.

Students must wear their Identity Cards visibly while entering the College and also during class hours inside the College campus.

Students must be punctual and regular in attending classes, tutorials, class tests etc. Failure to obtain the required percentage of attendance, non-submission of assignments and deliberate absence from tests / examinations will be treated as a breach of the code of conduct. Any kind of malpractice during examinations will not be tolerated and will be dealt with severely.

Students must take note of the Notices put up on the Notice Board and College WhatsApp Subject Groups.

Students must not damage College property such as classroom / common room furniture, library books, laboratory equipment, computers and so on.

Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in the College. Disciplinary action will be taken against those who violate this rule. It is mandatory for all students and guardians to sign an affidavit in the proforma prescribed by the University of Calcutta related to ragging.

UGC Anti-Ragging Circular : View / Download
Format of Anti-Ragging Declaration (University of Calcutta): View / Download

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